Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lack of blogging

I haven't blogged for a long time. I've been really busy lately. I've moved and had a job for the last bit of the summer and now school is starting tomorrow so I have had to do all the things that go with that. I've been knitting but it doesn't seem like I have finished anything lately.
So maybe if I can get the knitting group back together on campus I will get somethings done.

Here is a pic of one thing I have finished and is
not up here. I made this really fast for a
co-worker of my mom who is having a baby.
I don't really know the lady but I haven't had a chance to knit something for a baby so I jumped on it. They knit up really fast so that was nice. It probably took longer to weave in all the ends than to knit them up.

Thats all for now.